There is a Plan and questions will be answered ...

After the conclusion of the epic Battlestar Galactica television series in 2009, I found myself with loads of questions (not unlike many fans). With my interest in history and mythology, I naturally gravitated toward the religious elements of the show. Despite a substantial lack of information, I crafted an ancient backstory in my head and I felt compelled to put pen to paper, so to speak. If you're a fan of Battlestar Galactica and Caprica, you'll want to check these out. Oh, they're FREE, in case you didn't know

"For any fan of BSG (Battlestar Galactica) this is a must read. It taps into the BSG mythos and expands the back story of the 12 colonies and their life on Kobol in particular the Gods. I don't want to give any of the story away but I urge all fans and even those with only a passing knowledge of the TV series to read this and the other 3 books. Well written, a proper page turner and at an unbelievable price. Rather than a free lunch it is more like a free banquet." -- Mark Simmons

Lords of Kobol - Collection:
Special Edition

All five acclaimed Lords of Kobol books collected in a single volume ...

Thousands of years before the Cylons destroyed the Twelve Colonies and the Battlestar Galactica led a ragtag fleet to Earth, the Lords of Kobol lived among mankind in peace and harmony. Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Athena, Ares ... the gods provided and the people worshipped. But who or what were they? In Book One: Apotheosis, see Kobol in its golden age, with gods and humanity working together, and witness the creation and exodus of the Thirteenth Tribe. In Book Two: Descent, learn the origins of the Olympians and the tale of their coming to Kobol, as well as their war against non-believers. In Book Three: The Final Exodus, watch the end of the Pantheon's reign as Cylons revolt and mankind flees for the Twelve Colonies. In Prelude: Of Gods and Titans, spend more time with Zeus and the gods, and meet their parents, the Titans, and observe the beginning of the cycle. And in the background of it all, The One True God and its Messengers seek to preserve humanity in the face of doom. Finally, in Alternate: Tales from Ancient Days, read a different take on the end of the world and how the gods played their parts.

This is the definitive special edition collection of these five works, complete with deleted chapters, behind-the-scenes information, art, pics, and author's commentary. Learn all about the writing of these tales, connections to the Battlestar Galactica and Caprica TV shows, and much more.

There is a Plan and questions will be answered.

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Lords of Kobol - Book One: Apotheosis

Thousands of years before the Cylons destroyed the Twelve Colonies and the Battlestar Galactica led a ragtag fleet to Earth, the Lords of Kobol lived among mankind in peace and harmony. Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Athena, Ares ... the gods provided and the people worshipped. But who or what were they?

Humanity has reached the pinnacle of their civilization, thanks to the Lords. Once they've reached the top, what is next? After three millennia, are there some subjects eager to be free of the Pantheon's rule? Are the Olympian overseers weary? Are there others who deny the gods' divinity in the first place?

Partake in the fruits of Utopia and observe Kobol at its peak. See Pythia encounter divine inspiration. Watch as the Thirteenth Tribe is born. Gaze upon the seeds being sown for mankind's eventual departure from paradise ...

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"I could not love this book more! A definite must-read for any lover of BSG who might have wondered what the hell happened on Kobol before the humans left for the 12 worlds. I can't wait to read the next 2 books." -- w!L G

Lords of Kobol - Book Two: Descent

Following the exodus of the Thirteenth Tribe and the dissolution of the Olympic Council as depicted in Book One: Apotheosis, Book Two: Descent finds the gods scattered about Kobol. Apollo, though, is urged to confide in one man the true story of the Pantheon.

You now know what the Lords of Kobol are. Prepare to learn whence they came. How did they gain dominion over mankind? Who were the Draco? What did Prometheus do? And what of "The One?" Where does "it" fit into all of this?

See the gathering of the Twelve Tribes under Mount Olympus. Watch as the Great Flood nearly wipes out the gods' early followers. Behold the Lords of Kobol, hefting great weapons and arrayed in gleaming armor, take to the battlefield against their enemies. Gaze upon the seeds being sown for mankind's eventual departure from paradise ...

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Barnes & Noble

"The follow up to the first book kept up a cracking pace, very insightful and filled in so many gaps. I've recently been re-watching BSG and a lot more makes sense now. I promised myself I would savor this one but I couldn't put it down." -- wombatjedi

Lords of Kobol - Book Three: The Final Exodus

After more than five millennia, the dominion of the Lords of Kobol is at an end.

In Book One: Apotheosis, the Thirteenth Tribe left and the Pantheon was split. In Book Two: Descent, Zeus returned to assert his command and Apollo confided the history of the gods in someone he could trust. In Book Three: The Final Exodus, the machinations of the Messengers of The One come to fruition and ensnare the Olympians, the leaders of Kobol's nations, and their tools, the Cylons.

See the decline of humanity and their utter stagnation. Watch as the technology they depend upon is used against them to terrible effect. Behold the Blaze, the launch of the Caravan of the Heavens, and the fall of Athena. Gaze upon the seeds that have sprouted and the departure of mankind from paradise ...

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Barnes & Noble

"I have just finished reading Lords of Kobol, book 3. Coming to the end of a 'pleasant journey' brings a form of sadness. You spin a good tale. I shall remember your name." -- Marshall

Lords of Kobol - Prelude:
Of Gods and Titans

The universe of Battlestar Galactica and Caprica has gotten larger and the story of the Lords of Kobol isn't over yet.

In Book One, we saw the gods in their golden age. In Book Two, we learned of their coming to Kobol. In Book Three, their dominion ended and mankind fled their presence. Here, in Prelude, we find them at their creation, the children of Titans.

Zeus and the Olympians are just one part of a world populated by Cronus and his brethren, a Caesar bent on longer life, and metal Cyclops who cast off their shackles in the name of freedom. And unknown to any of them, The One True God and its Messengers seek to preserve humanity in the face of doom.

This is the stunning prequel to all that has happened before and all that will happen again. There is a Plan and questions will be answered.

Download for FREE from:
Smashwords (in all file formats, including Kindle)
Barnes & Noble

"This was the best of the series. ... This is the first book in a long time that has wrapped me up in the story to the point that I am truly sad I finished it. This series is a must read and this book above all shines bright." -- Alex M

Colonies of Kobol ...

Learn what happens after Lords of Kobol and before Caprica and Battlestar Galactica!

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